Natural cheese continues to mature over time. At Arla, we know exactly when our cheese is at peak maturity.
With a technology called individual quick freezing, we capture the cheese at its best
– ready for when you need it.
how it works
A blast of freezing cold air stops the natural maturation process right when the cheese is at its best.
preserving quality
This quick freezing seals in the taste, color and smell until the cheese is brought out into the kitchen for use.
the benefit
Each perfectly-matured, piece of cheese in a pack is frozen at the same time ensuring consistently high quality throughout.
Perfect Freeze is good for business
Speed in the kitchen
The cheese maintains its shape after thawing. No lumping means faster, more uniform work.
Consistent high quality
Melting, stretching and browning to perfection – consistent quality in every single pack.
Kitchen economy
Better portioning and waste control contributes to a healthier kitchen economy.
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