Pizza Making – It’s All About the Basics
What does it take to make the perfect pizza? If you ask award winning pizza chef Marco Fuso you need to master the four pizza basics: dough, tomato sauce, cheese, and toppings.

The perfect dough
“The secret to any great dough is to keep it simple.
Stick to just four or five ingredients: Water, flour, yeast, salt, and perhaps a bit of olive oil depending on the type of pizza you’re making. This will make your product amazingly light, crispy, and easy to digest.
Pay attention to which flour you use. Never use high-protein flour with short rising times, because high-protein flour should always rise for at least 24 hours.”

Simple tomato sauce
“Your tomato sauce should be as simple as possible.
Always use high quality tomatoes. I suggest plum tomatoes topped with salt, fresh basil, and olive oil. Other ingredients, like oregano or garlic, tend to overpower the tomato taste. Tomato sauce should taste like tomato, it’s that simple.“

Choose fresh cheese
“A good cheese is very important.
It has to look nice, fresh, and have a beautiful texture with a nice bite without being chewy. When making pizza, the cheese should not caramelize too much, but it’s a matter of taste.
However, it’s crucial that you choose a cheese which matches your style of pizza and oven type in terms of texture and taste.”

Quality toppings
“Always use the best quality topping you can find.
It really makes a difference. But don’t be afraid to experiment and create something unique when making pizza. It helps your menu stand out. I like the classic tomato sauce, but also like to experiment with spinach, broccoli, or pumpkin bases.“