
Apples of Love

Apples of Love

    Candied lemons and oranges:

  • Remove the skin of an orange and a lemon, removing as much as possible of the white rind. Add cold water to a saucepan and add the orange and lemon. Bring to the boil and then drain immediately. Repeat this process 3 times, starting with cold water each time. Once the citrus fruits are blanched, slice finely into sticks. Prepare a syrup with 300 g of water and 300 g of sugar; you can add vanilla and star anise or cardamon. Heat the mix to boil and add the citrus fruits. Cook over very high heat for 45 minutes.
  • Salted caramel:

  • Start by pouring 80 g of sugar into a saucepan. On a low heat, allow the sugar to caramelise without stirring. Maintaining a low heat, add 40 g of Lurpak butter cut into pieces. Mix with a wooden spatula until the mixture starts to thicken. Once the mixture has thickened, add 100 g of heavy cream and cook for another 5 minutes on a low heat, stirring constantly. Let the caramel cool for 20 minutes before use. Store leftovers in the fridge.
  • Apple flowers:

  • Cut 100 apple wedges the same size using a mandoline slicer; you will need 5-6 apples for this. Prepare a syrup using 400 g of water and 300 g of sugar. Heat and cook the apple petals for 5 minutes in simmering water. Collect the petals and lay on a flat surface. Arrange 5 petals with a 1 cm gap between each of them and roll them to create a pretty flower.
  • Apple balls:

  • Take a spoon and make 30 balls of apples in different sizes; for this you will need approx. 3 apples. Cook them in the same syrup you used for the flowers, for 5 minutes in simmering water. Set the rest of the apples aside, you will use them for apple compote.
  • Meringue:

  • Beat the egg whites until stiff and add sugar in 3 rounds. Once the meringue is firm, put it into a piping bag. On a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, make meringues in desired size. Then bake in the oven for 1 hour and 15 minutes at 110°C - do not open door to oven until fully done. Let cool completely, and the cooled meringues will easily peel off the parchment paper in one piece.
  • Hazelnut streusel:

  • Mix the brown sugar with hazelnut powder, wheat flour, salt and cinnamon. Add 50 g of soft butter. When the mixture becomes a sand-like texture, place on a baking tray with parchment paper. Bake for 7-10 minutes at 180°C.
  • Apple compote:

  • Collect any remaining apple pieces that has been left from the creation of flowers and balls. Add 2 apples peeled and cut into small pieces and cook in a saucepan with 20 cl of water. Add the inside of a vanilla stick and 2 tbsp cinnamon. Cook over low heat for 40 minutes, checking regularly that there is enough water to prevent burning. Once the apples are cooked, blend together to make a compote.
  • To finish:

  • Stretch out your pizza dough. Spread a layer of apple compote and cook the pizza for 60-90 seconds at 400°C, until the pizza is 70% done. Take out the pizza and arrange the 20 apple flowers and the apple balls on top. Return to oven and finalise bake. After cooking, add the candied oranges and lemons, the salted caramel, the meringues and crumbled hazelnut streusel. For a finishing touch, garnish with mint leaves.