
- Combine the water and dry yeast in a mixing bowl. Then add all ingredients, except the salt and butter.
- Turn the mixer on a low speed for 5 min.
- Add half of the butter (1) and mix for 3 minutes.
- Add the rest of the butter (1) and the salt, mix for a further 5 minutes. It is important you seperate both stages to ensure the dough has time to form a gluten network and wont crack during proofing.
- Turn the machine off and let the dough rest in the bowl for 5 minutes.
- Once rested, mix your dough on high speed for 8 minutes.
- Conduct a gluten test by taking a small piece of dough and stretching it until it becomes transparent, without breaking.
- Place the dough in the refridgerate overnight.
- Roll out the dough to 36x9x3 cm and freeze it.
- Take the butter out of the fridge (2).
- When butter and dough have approx. the same consistency, laminate the dough with the butter in a double fold and a single fold, so there are 12 layers.
- Place the laminated dough in the freezer.
- When the dough is cold enough and has the right consistency, roll it out to 4.3 mm in thickness.
- Cut the dough into 8x33 cm rectangles and cut those diagonally to create 2 triangles. Stretch the dough lightly and roll them into croissants.
- Put the rolled croissants into a proofing cabinet and let them rest for 2 hours at 26 degrees and 80% humidity. It is important to have a constant temperature so that the butter does not melt out of the dough.
- After rising, brush the crossiants with the beaten egg and let them dry, apply another layer of egg. When the second layer of egg has dried, put the croissants on top and bake them at 200ºC for approx. 12 minutes.