
Rhubarb compote with lightly whipped cream and green sugar

Rhubarb compote with lemon and vanilla, and served with lightly whipped cream and green sugar. Green sugar is made by combining herbs, such as lemon verbena or vervain leaves, with sugar and blending them into a beautiful green powder. The green sugar can also be served with yogurt and stewed fruit or sprinkled on baked goods.

Rhubarb compote with lightly whipped cream and green sugar

    Rhubarb compote:

  • Remove the tops and bottoms of the rhubarb, rinse and cut into pieces of 2-3 cm.
  • Place the rhubarb in an ovenproof dish and stir in the sugar, vanilla pod and seeds, lemon zest and lemon juice.
  • Bake at 150°C for 15-20 min.
  • Set the baked rhubarb aside to cool.
  • Green sugar:

  • Rinse and dry the vervain leaves thoroughly. It is very important that the leaves are completely dry, otherwise the sugar will get wet and lumpy.
  • Blitz the sugar and vervain leaves in a food processor into a green powder.
  • Serve the baked rhubarb with lightly whipped cream and a sprinkle of green sugar on top.