What To Do With Leftover Pizza Ingredients
16 April 2024

What To Do With Leftover Pizza Ingredients

How to upsell and make more from food waste.

Leftover food items and ingredients from your pizza operation don’t have to end up as food waste. And as food waste is an issue costing the hospitality industry millions each year, it’s bet-ter for your business if this can be avoided. Thankfully there’s plenty you can do not only to re-duce your food waste, but to actually make food waste work for you financially.

At Arla Pro, we’re dedicated to minimising food waste – in our own dairies and production lines as well as in the kitchens of our customers. Read on to discover our expert chefs’ top tips for making the most out of food waste for your business.

8 things you can do with pizza leftovers to make your business money

1. Use leftover dough to create exciting snacks

Pizza dough is a hugely versatile ingredient and the beating heart of any good pizzeria. If you’ve got dough left at the end of a service, why not turn it into specials for the following day’s menu? Our chefs love turning leftover dough into pesto sticks, which can then be sold as a starter or side dish.

Pesto sticks from leftover pizza dough

2. Stuff the crust

Stuffed crusts are an excellent upsell opportunity and can make a real difference to a pizza’s margin. Using leftover cheeses, plus other ingredients such as herbs, to create tasty, limited-time stuffed crust options could be a real win for your bottom line.

Stuffed crust with leftover cheese

3. Repurpose your pizza sauce

A good, classic pizza sauce is key to any pizza menu, but it’s also versatile enough to be used in other dishes too. If you’ve got surplus sauce, try using it to create a tomato vinaigrette for salads, or as an arrabbiata sauce for pasta dishes.

Pasta dish with repurposed pizza sauce

4. Offer crust dips

Crusts are often wasted by consumers, but you can help to reduce crust leftovers by offering crust dip at a reasonably low price. These dips can be made easily in-house, using ingredients already available back of house. Encourage your team to get creative!

3 types of crust dips - green herbs, haydari and mushroom

5. Try your hand at dessert pizzas

Leftover dough can be used to create more than just savoury snacks. Why not add long-life in-gredients such as chocolate or hazelnuts spreads, ice cream and UHT whipped creams to mini pizza bases made from leftover dough. It’s a great way to use leftovers, whilst adding a whole new revenue stream to your menu.

See recipe here

Dessert pizza using leftover dough

6. Sign up to Too Good To Go

Too Good To Go makes it easy for businesses to sell surplus food to customers via an app. List any leftovers as a ‘Magic Bag’ on the app, and let consumers come to you at a time that suits your business. Pre-payment is all managed through the app too and the service now covers most major European cities.


7. Activate special app or in-store offers at the end of the day

Avoid food being thrown away at the end of the day by introducing an incentive programme on leftover items for your final hour of operation. This could be a large discount, such as 50% off, or ‘buy one get one free’ on pizzas.


8. Design your own "waste warriors" pizza

If you’re using leftover or surplus ingredients to create a special, then why not encourage purchase of the dish by letting your customers know that it’s helping to reduce food waste? The "waste warriors" pizza could rotate daily so it’s always a surprise – and should always be available at a lower cost to pizzas on your main menu.

"Waste warrior" pizza with leftover veggies